So, The Friar decided to call the maytag repairman. Not pleased with the result of the conversation to repair the fridge, I led him down another path... to Appliance Direct?
Let me be the first to tell you - that's not how the story goes. As a matter of fact, I'm a bit disgusted with our misguided friar manipulating me and my message. I didn't lead the friar down another path - the almighty dollar lead him down another path. And I'm upset about it.
So here I've got this clown doing my work, asking my people to give him money to support his franchise and he turns around, gives them the shaft and goes out and buys a new appliance.
Let's look at this from a pragmatic perspective. If the friar would be listening to me, he would have gone with his gut instinct of having the failed appliance restored all shiny and new. That's what I do - make things shiny and new again. I don't tell people to go out and buy a new soul, do I?
The friar fails to understand that I was using Him to answer the prayers of another. Friarboy is supposed to be the vessel I use to accomplish the work I set out to do in his territory. The friar is charged with acting on my behalf in the best interest of others - not to hisself. That's the contract he signed as part of his franchise agreement. As a member of the brotherhood of the priesthood, the friar should have gladly spent my people's treasure to help a brother out. Times are tough. I am ashamed. My heart weeps.
Now I have to do double duty and figure out how to again answer the maytag man's prayer because the friar botched the job. I hate doing things twice. Remember in the wood shop? We measured twice and cut once. It works just as well today as it did yesterday.
I hope he sees the error of his ways. One more move like this and I'll see to it that his franchise agreement is dissolved. Kapeesh?
Now, let me hit the peyote and watch my lava lamp do all kinds of crazy things. It relaxes me and makes me happy. Like sunshine. On my shoulder.
Peace out yo - J-Dawg.
PS - People beginning their faith walk with me are gullible and confused. They think doing things for the friar gets them a free ticket to ride on the heaven express. NOT. As I've always said, the only way to get into heaven is to accept me as your lord and savior. I've always said, a direct relationship is the best kind of relationship. Eliminate the middle man and start doing business with the one and only. The alpha and the amigo.
Love, Jesus.
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