Hello. I am going to step out of character for a moment to share with you. I've been writing 'A Day in the Life of Jesus' for a little over a year. If you only knew how much I enjoy writing from the perspective of "WWIDIIWJ" or What would I do if I were Jesus?
I don't know if anyone else thinks what I do is funny besides me. If not, I have the satisfaction of knowing I entertain myself and laugh a lot. I'm sure there are some people who find my project offensive. Do people get angry or uncomfortable? I hope so because if I am able to illicit a response wittin you, that's even more satisfying to me than making myself laugh.
My writing project serves as a creative outlet. The whole God thing is completely misunderstood in the world. Why take it so seriously? There is a reason they call it the greatest story ever told. The same reason Ringling Brothers call their circus the greatest show on Earth.
That being said... Do you know what I'd like to watch? Someone's facial expressions as they read www.adayinthelifeofjesus.com for the first time when they searched for something relevant to their ministry or faith walk. I bet it's absolutely priceless... It'd probably make America's Funniest Home Video look lame. Oh wait... America's Funniest Home Videos is lame.
Love -
The Booming Voice of Jesus.
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