Sunday, January 30, 2011

Puppy Love, Pt. 2

Hello Rover, Fido and the like -

Ruff!  In my last devotion, I was talking about homeless people wandering around with their cardboard signs with a cross begging for food and me disregarding them and not throwing any blessing their way.  Well, Grrrr....  I did do something nice for someone...  Remember Ted Williams, the brother with the golden voice.  I mean, this dude has some me given talent.   In case you need a refresher on who this dude is:

Check him out.  The Golden Voice.  Yeah, I gave that to him.  Sex, drugs, Rock & Roll, the booze, the good times all got the best of my child called Ted.

Ted, I decided to give you a second chance.  I carefully laid the groundwork for you.  Put you on that corner.  Had a man with a camera "stumble" upon you and create this viral internet sensation.   Everyone was like, "Oh Ted - You're awesome.  Your voice the voice of the Gods."  Yeah, I like his voice.  He sounds a lot like me.  As a matter of fact, my voice is his voice.  Remember, each and every person is created in my likeness.

So...  Ted, please don't blow this.  Yes, you got a job.  You've been to rehab.  You're out of rehab.  Don't blow it this time.  This is your moment to shine and change your situation.

Every once and a while, I do throw a bone to someone I see with potential.  However, each and every time someone blows it, I am less likely to help.  Of course, I still forgive you of all your sins and make you shiny and new.  But, all that elbow grease going to waste is insulting to me.  I work hard for you. Work hard for me.  Let's make the world a better place.  I'd like to teach the world to sing... in purrfect harmony.

So, Tee-doe (as I affectionately call him) - please make good on what I've given you.

Your friend and personal life coach  - Jesus.

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