Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ghost Writer?

For today's entry, I am coming out of character for a short time to share my thought process with you.  

If you read the Jesus blog, it is written by a regular person just like you, a neighbor, a co-worker or that person sitting in the bathroom stall next to yours.

It is never my intention to offend or mock Jesus, God, or religion. Surely God has a sense of humor - just look at the world he created.

I want hypocritical fundamentalist believers to get angry because satire and humor make effective mirrors. Sometimes people don't like what they see in their own reflections. Maybe people will stop and think for just a moment.

I think writing about church, religion and the zealots from a different perspective is interesting. Especially because lots of people ask the age old question, "What would Jesus do?"  Does anyone know?

The question I used when I came up with the concept is simple: What would I do if I was Jesus living among mortals?

God is supposed to be alive and not some imaginary friend that everyone thinks they know and yet they've never met.  They've come up with their own twisted realities and perspectives based on how they and others interpret God, his motivations, the Bible and the entire Christian movement.  Every believer uses the idea of God however they see fit:  To earn a living, justify actions, judge others, pursue business opportunities, get tax breaks, build communities, manipulate the behavior of others and do good deeds as currency for admission into heaven.  I do believe some people are intrinsically motivated to do good and help others without wanting something in return besides a warm fuzzy feeling that comes from helping those less fortunate than themselves.

I wish a small percentage of the readership could understand a different perspective without getting all bent out of shape. These people really need to broaden their horizons and view of the world. Narrow mindedness is the exact same thing as stupidity.

I never mean to hurt or be disrespectful to others. If people are extremely offended by the views presented her, perhaps additional meditation and study  of God word, beliefs and values may be in order.  Remember, the bible has undergone many translations written.  Not all translations are from the original texts and have been manipulated for self preservation.  Our God is a very accepting God and only wants what is best for his children.

I am pleased to see the readership grow.  I have people coming from all parts of our country as well as one or two international countries.  How on Earth do people from all corners of the world find out about this?  I must be doing something write.

- The Voice of God.

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