Monday, January 25, 2010

About Last Night

Ok - Yes...  It's true - Satan and I do, on occassion, hang out and uh, play games at the mansion.  He brings the water and I turn it to wine.  Our evening always start with a high five, a quick laugh.  See, we are really on the same team.  He is the yang to my yin.  I hate to say it - you are all pawns in our game of chess - which we played last night.  As always, he cheated...  Argh.  After we were done playing chess, we played a few quick games of 'hang man.'  Man, I hate that one.  It brings back some painful memories.
Next up we hit the peyote kind of hard.  Dude, we were both feeling soooo good.  Both of us got the munchies.  Unleavened bread just doesn't cut it.  We ordered pizza from Dominos.  It  arrived in 31 minutes.  Satan insured we got it free because it did not arrive within their 30 minute window.  Yeah, we heard them knocking at my door...  but neither one of us wanted to pay.  He looked out the peep hole and opened the door just as they turned to leave.  SCORE!  I gotta tell you, the changes they made to their recipe are great.  The difference is night and day.

The highlight of the night was cracking out the karaoke machine.  Satan was singing hymns - every time he sings "amazing grace", it moves me to tears.  I decided to end the night by performing "the devil went down to Georgia."

I love game night.  We'll do it again....

Namaste - JESUS!

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you one hundred percent about the Dominos pizza! Man that new recipe makes me want to hug someone in a good way. And I NEVER do that. And I have to give them kudos for their new campaign. To talk about their negative comments is a gutsy move. I don't think I could do that, but I don't get negative comments.

    Hey, remember last night, in the middle of our peyote adventure, I looked over at you and said, "man, this stuff is great, I think I see Jesus". And then we both laughed! Good times, good times.
