Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Would Jesus Do?

Peace be with you my pilgrims around the world!

Tonight I come to you regarding our oldest and most trusted means of spreading Jesus's message. We have all heard the slogan "What Would Jesus Do?" or "WWJD." It was a marketing campaign started many years ago by our previous administration. It is still considered a worldwide phenomenon by most accounts. Objects of all shapes and sizes bear this slogan which are decorative and fashionable.

But how are we ensuring that the message is guiding our pilgrims, and not just being a fashion piece on their wrists or a message on a T-shirt? Before we can ask the question "What would Jesus do?" we must ask ourselves whether we know Jesus. Knowing Jesus begins with reading about His life, teachings and claims in the Bible. However, reading the Bible as literature alone only helps us to learn ABOUT Jesus. To truly KNOW Him requires a personal, spiritual relationship with Him. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says:

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."

So my pilgrims, our challenge for 2010 is two fold for this parish. Number one is to KNOW our savior. Not just know the history. When you say to yourself WWJD, we want you to say "I know what Jesus would do...." I know pilgrims reading this are wondering how do you get to know a prophet, a holy ghost, or other terms of endearment for my boss and your savior Jesus Christ. The first step to KNOWING Jesus is also the second part of our two-fold plan to return to greatness my pilgrims.....

The second challenge is to make sure non-believers and confused believers utilize our new tools. We need to make sure that and 1-900-Pay-4-Pray is being utilized spread the message and that these outlets are generating the necessary cash flow that Jesus Inc. (NYSE: JSUS) needs in order to sustain this positive momentum.

I have come up with the phrase that will guide us in the future. "RETURN TO PROPHECY" or "RTP" will be the phrase that I want everyone to make decisions by. When you act on behalf of this parish, you will have to say "Is this the proper path to RTP?" and then you can follow it up with another question "WWJD?"

So I challenge everyone in the parish to stand up this new year and accept the challenge getting to KNOW our lord. If he can forgive minions for brutally hanging him from a cross with spikes (Cross wasn't even made from oak. How insulting..), then we can forgive people for far less. So the next time you are sliding your wristband on or sipping from your coffee cup that is branded with WWJD, take a minute and ask YOURSELF what would our savior really do.

Blessed are all who worship me.

Pope Lavartheus Lemillius I

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