Saturday, January 30, 2010

God's Power is on YOUR side?

Believers - As always, my inbox is flooded with prayer requests - both in written form and transcriptions from those thought and said during your medicative meditative prayer time.  If I heard them every single one of them, I would go nuts.  Remember when I let Bruce Nolan be me for a week?

Whenever it got quiet, he would go absolutely bonkers hearing all the prayer requests.  The same thing happens to me.  I'm a busy man and to be blunt about it, I don't have time to hear or answer all your prayers.  Some say I answer each and every prayer.  Sometimes the answer is, "No."  Well, that's not exactly true.  Garth Brooks put it best, "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."  I only answer the good ones.

Prayer is used to get you talking and thinking about your life situations.  During prayer time I encourage you to really think about your life.  Give thanks for what is good and ponder what needs fixing.  When the mortals thank me for something, they are sending out the energy vibe of abundance.  When they ask for something like restoration or healing, they are sending their wish out to the universe's cosmic energy.  Where the attention goes, the energy flows.

This little video demonstrates the power of thought and the effects it has on water crystals.

Think negative thoughts and witness the ugly crystal formations.  Think positive thoughts and witness the beauty that is formed.  The same principle holds true with how your thoughts effect your life.  Think negatively about your situation and you get negative results.  Think positive thoughts and the results will be good.  It's the principle of the upward spiral and the downward spiral and thought controls the direction of the spiral.  People think of me as the one who controls your spiral.  News flash - I don't control it - you do.  It's the power of you.  Actually, we partner together.  My power is on your side when your power is on your side.  To borrow from popular business ideologies, we create synergy.

To be perfectly honest, one of my clergyman said it best.  Prayer without action is useless.  Your action plays just as much, if not more, of a role to changing your situation than mine does.  After you've prayed, act on what you just got done praying about.  Don't just stand there waiting for me to do all the work.  Come on, we are in this thing called life together.  You do your part and I'll do mine.

Speaking of my part - the best part of my job is working the miracles.  You know, the 11th hour healings.  The part when people are just on the brink of giving up hope, when the situation is looking most dire and hopeless. SHAZAM!!!  All is good in the world.  Those moments restore faith and keep me relevant in the world.

Your partner in life - Jesus

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